Kamis, 17 Maret 2011


My name is Deni irawan from class 91 will mount trim identifies national disaster

Merapi volcano erupts with clouds of heat release recorded since at 17:02 pm. "From 17:02 am until 17:34 pm happened four times to the present cloud of heat and hot clouds continue to emerge one after another after not stopping" said Surono, head Pisat Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Agency for Geology in Yogyakarta, Tuesday, October 26, 2010.
the emergence of the hot cloud's most active volcanoes in the world has become a sign of the eruption of Mount Merapi. The first heat clouds that showed up at 17:02 pm heading west. But the next hot clouds that can not be monitored well as weather conditions at the peak of Merapi quite dark and raining.

Siren danger in Kaliurang, Sleman rang at 17:57 pm. At 18:05 pm Central Kegunungapian Investigation and Technology Development (BPPTK) Yogyakarta withdraw all personnel from the observation post.

"In 2006, hot clouds occur for seven minutes. But this year, with hot clouds had occurred more than 20 minutes"

many of my short speech, thank you

may not mirror my articles 

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